In this park you will find a combination of lakes, canals, managed areas with grass and also mixed vegetation in the surroundings of the main trails, cycling and other recreation areas. Sundays can get really crowded, although it may not affect activity a lot.
The un-managed areas may be best for some species which need dense vegetation (Blue-mockingbird, Northern Cardinal, among others), while grassed areas are used by Pitpits, Sparrows, Flycatchers and Kingbirds, sometimes White-faced Ibis' groups may feed on these areas, and other species that benefit from open areas.
The lakes were recently recovered (2022), and some terrestrial areas may still be managed, so the way birds will adapt is uncertain, yet is clear several birds are using more frequently the lake, including Grebes, diving ducks (Aythya), Terns and Cormorants, on the other hand, the reduction of feral vegetation has reduced the presence of several terrestrial species, still it is a great birding location if you wish to find a lot of birds, but not a lot of endemics.

Birding PEX
Recommended routes
Complete route: 4 Km
Approximate time: 3 - 4h (with a slow birding pace it may take more time)
If you have time for the complete loop, I recommend starting by the green side of the trail, which is the terrestrial side (mostly).
If you have less time, the blue trial (aquatic side) is easier to shorten since there are two ways in and out, and you are more likely see a lot of species in a short time.
In the loop to the Raptor area there is no actual trail, but it is usually easy to walk around. The area has a lot of Montezuma cypress which are visited by several birds, you can usually find thrushes and migratory warblers.

The blue trail also connects you to the closest restrooms (using them costs 5 pesos and you need to have coins) and a little convenience store.
It is also possible to take a trajinera ride, that is, if you want to have a closer scan to the lake and for aquatic bird photography or just want to enjoy this interesting attraction in a peaceful, natural area, but is not essential for birding the area and is not the best to get more species.
If you are interested on a guided tour, contact us or check out the tour section. The park could be visited as part of some the tours we offer.
Average altitude: 2,235 msnm. Altitude gain: 2 m. Downloadable route
Bird Map
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